1) extinction a) the protection of the natural environment b) the total number of people, animals or other living things in a place c) process of dying out d) milk feeding animal 2) conservation a) the protection of the natural environment b) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants c) to keep or stop from happening d) process of dying out 3) extinct a) natural environment b) absent; lost c) no longer existing d) the protection of the natural environment 4) habitat a) the state of being held or confined b) natural environment c) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants d) 5) threat a) milk feeding animal b) a sign or warning of danger or trouble c) natural environment d) no longer existing 6) population a) the total number of people, animals or other living things in a place b) c) milk feeding animal d) process of dying out 7) captivity a) the state of being held or confined b) milk feeding animal c) d) an area where wildlife live and breed in safety 8) species a) to keep or stop from happening b) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants c) d) no longer existing 9) release a) no longer existing b) the total number of people, animals or other living things in a place c) to set free d) milk feeding animal 10) mammal a) to set free b) milk feeding animal c) to keep or stop from happening d) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants 11) sanctuary a) b) the total number of people, animals or other living things in a place c) an area where wildlife live and breed in safety d) to set free 12) prevent a) natural environment b) c) to set free d) to keep or stop from happening 13) vulnerable a) no longer existing b) sensitive; easily hurt c) natural environment d) absent; lost 14) missing a) b) an area where wildlife live and breed in safety c) to keep or stop from happening d) absent; lost 15) environment a) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants b) the natural world; social and cultural surroundings c) milk feeding animal d) process of dying out 16) African wild dog a) to set free b) a sign or warning of danger or trouble c) d) an area where wildlife live and breed in safety 17) Amur leopard a) the natural world; social and cultural surroundings b) c) d) the total number of people, animals or other living things in a place 18) Sumatran rhino a) no longer existing b) c) absent; lost d) 19) pangolin a) b) to set free c) a distinct group of individuals that share some common characteristics, as of animals or plants d)

NIK 5 - Unit 5 - Vocabulary 1 (2)


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