1) drink milk/every day (+) 2) the wind/blow/now (-) 3) come home/late/yesterday (?) 4) go to school/ in summer(-) 5) do homework/now (?) 6) eat apples/every day (?) 7) get up early/last Sunday (-) 8) have breakfast/now (+) 9) we/meet friends/yesterday (+) 10) usually / read books/ in the morning (?) 11) run in the park/2 days ago (-) 12) the Sun/ shine/now (+) 13) The baby/always/sleep/in the afternoon (+) 14) The birds/speak English/now (?) 15) They/swim in the swimming pool/yesterday (+) 16) She/draw pictures/every day (-) 17) they/feed the cat/now (-) 18) The boy/ write words/last Monday (?) 19) sing a song/now (+) 20) The cat/sometimes/play the piano (?)

Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous


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