ascendo, ascendere - to climb, cado, cadere - to fall, coquo, coquere - to cook, curro, currere - to run, descendo, descendere - to go down, dico, dicere - to say, tell, duco, ducere - to lead, edo, edere - to eat, emo, emere - to buy, frango, frangere - to break, lego, legere - to read, ludo, ludere - to play, mitto, mittere - to send, pono, ponere - to put, repello, repellere - to drive off, reprehendo, reprehendere - to blame, scold, scribo, scribere - to write, surgo, surgere - to rise, get up, vendo, vendere - to sell, vinco, vincere - to conquer, defeat, capio, capere - to take, capture, facio, facere - to do, make, fugio, fugere - to flee, conspicio, conspicere - to catch sight of, arripio, arripere - to snatch, grab, excipio, excipere - to welcome,

3rd conjugation verb vocabulary


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