E1 Undertake and monitor a personal academic study regime: Plan and implement own academic study program including safe work practices, Monitor progress of own academic study program – personally, and in consultation with teachers / tutors / colleagues, making adjustments / improvements as required, Undertake preparation for formal academic examinations, Identify and respond effectively to own academic and social challenges, Clarify study and assessment requirements for selected academic subjects, Review current academic study program, including appropriateness for meeting university study and assessment requirements, Interpret and comply with the organisation’s safe work practices in academic study environs, E2 interpret instructions and conduct research to collect and analyse information for identified academic purposes: Identify research and information gathering techniques relevant to academic purpose and instructions, adjusting strategies where necessary, Source and retrieve academic material from the internet and relevant academic database/s ensuring a sufficiently wide range of sources are used to optimize the validity of information collected, Utilise technology in accordance with instructions, health and safety requirements and academic organisation’s protocols, Photocopy or download relevant resource materials in compliance with the academic organisation’s protocols and copyright requirements, Organise research information logically and clearly, Analyse and interpret information gathered, checking facts and information before including in research findings, E3 Produce a team-driven investigative plan and report on an Australian social issue: Prepare a team / group plan to investigate a contemporary Australia issues in an academic environment, Communicate and interact effectively in a team / group situation in a multi-cultural academic environment, Participate actively in group discussion, Negotiate individual and team responsibilities, including discussing research ideas identifying implications such as issues of a culturally sensitive or legal nature that affect research, Consult with group on a regular basis to review investigations / research, Resolve team / group member interpersonal and / or intercultural issues, with assertiveness, Produce a report in the prescribed format with referencing, quotations and appendices to meet academic English language requirements,

NAT10950001 - Employ English language skills commensurate with academic purpose (part A)


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