Conduction - The heat passes from molecule to molecule along a solid object, Convection - When gases or liquids are heated they become lighter and rise. Cooler gases and liquids then replace them., Radiation - Heat can travel in straight rays from a heat source to the first solid object without heating the air in between., Pressure cooking - A fast method of cooking food under pressure in a heavy saucepan with a locking lid., Smoke point - A blue haze rises from the fat., Flash point - The fat ignites (bursts into flames)., Standing time - The time after microwaving, when the food continues to produce heat., Microwave - A type of oven that produces electromagnetic waves., Electromagnetic - Waves that are directed into the food in a microwave oven., Poaching - Cooking food in liquid at a temperature slightly lower than simmering., Stewing - A slow method of cooking food by gentle heat in a little liquid in a covered container., Steaming - A slow, moist method of cooking food in the steam from boiling water., Boiling - Cooking food in rapidly bubbling liquid in a saucepan on the hob of a cooker., Baking - Cooking food by dry heat in an oven by convection currents., Grilling - Cooking food by radiant heat at a high temperature under a grill., Roasting - Cooking food in its own fat in an oven., Shallow frying - Cooking in a little fat in a shallow pan., Deep fat frying - Food is immersed in a deep container of hot fat., Stir frying - Food is tossed in hot fat in a wok., Thermometer - An instrument that will register the internal temperature of a food.,

Cooking Food - Food, Health and Culinary Skills


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