The functions of the blood are ____ dissolved substances, defense against diseases and regulate body ____. Blood is composed of approximately ____ plasma, ____ red blood cells and less than ____ white blood cells. Plasma is mainly made up of ____. The function of plasma is to transport the food group ____, ____ which is needed for energy and ____ around the body. Red blood cells are made in the ____. The function of red blood cells is to ____ ____ around the body. The red pigment in a red blood cell is called ____. White blood cells are made in the ____. Its function is to produce ____ and engulf foreign invaders. Platelets are made in the bone marrow. Its function is ____ ____ prevents the condition ____ and also promoting healing. It can be found in ____, such as oranges. The mineral ____ is needed to make haemoglobin. It can be found in the diet by eating ____. A deficiency of this mineral is called ____.

JC Science -Circulatory System: Blood


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