1) It was a formal occasion, ________ I dressed in my best suit. a) so that b) because c) so 2) How many books ________? I’ve never seen so many! a) have you b) you have c) have you got 3) You ________ cousins in Sweden, don’t you? a) have to b) got c) have 4) The climbing course was cancelled ________ adverse weather conditions. a) because b) due to c) seeing as 5) Keir ________ his phone stolen from his bag when he was in the gym. a) has b) ’s got c) had 6) We asked our barbecue guests to talk quietly after 7.30 p.m. ________ wake the neighbours’ young children. a) in case b) so as not to c) in order to 7) Ana can’t go to the conference in Australia ________ she hasn’t got a visa. a) but b) so c) since 8) I ________ my car serviced tomorrow afternoon. a) 'm having b) have to c) had to 9) Di Yang moved to Auckland ________ improve her English. a) as a result to b) in order to c) because 10) I’ve never ________ such a laugh before! Let’s do this again some time. a) has b) have got c) had 11) The match went ahead ________ the rain. a) in case of b) in spite of c) even though 12) We enjoy good food. ________, neither of us is a particularly good cook. a) However b) Owing to c) Consequently 13) I have ________ it with this job. I’m quitting right now! a) got b) had c) done 14) Anja passed all her exams. ________, she got into her first choice of university. a) As a result b) Nevertheless c) Yet 15) We _________ to be at the meeting until 2.30. Shall we get some lunch first? a) haven’t b) don’t have c) haven’t got 16) I really enjoy going to salsa classes, _________ I’m a pretty bad dancer. a) despite b) consequently c) even though 17) We’re going to ________ the house repainted next week. a) have b) have to c) have got 18) My grandmother ________ living in the same place since 1938. a) has to b) had c) has been 19) Jack has to do an assignment this evening, ________ he can’t join us. a) so as to b) so c) so that 20) What time do you ________ be at the station tomorrow?  a) have to b) got to c) have 21) My cousins ________ always come to stay with us during the summer holidays. a) did b) were c) would 22) ________ an event going on at the leisure centre down the street. It took us ages to find a parking space! a) It’s b) There’s c) They’re 23) You can learn to play any musical instrument if ________ practise enough. a) they b) one c) you 24) I couldn’t answer the phone when you called because I ________ driving. a) had b) was c) used to 25) I’m really pleased with this song – I wrote it ________. a) ourselves b) yourself c) myself 26) I ________ spend so much time practising the piano, but now I play for at least an hour a day. a) didn’t use to b) used to c) would 27) We had finished dinner and we ________ TV when we heard the crash. a) were watching b) watched c) had watched 28) ________ really should consider allowing teenagers to participate in the competition. a) There b) It c) They 29) I ________ waiting for almost an hour when the bus finally arrived. a) had been b) ’m c) was 30) ________ going to be scorching hot today. Take sun cream and a bottle of water with you. a) One’s b) It’s c) There’s 31) He put the suitcase next to ________ on the seat of the train. a) them b) himself c) him 32) I ________ like cycling to work, but I can’t do that with my new job as it’s too far. a) used to b) would c) didn't 33) When I got to work, I saw that all the desks ________ moved. a) had been b) has been c) been 34) I’m afraid my neighbour and I don’t get on particularly well with ________. a) oneself b) each others c) one another 35) My flatmates and I ________ go to the cinema every Sunday afternoon. a) used to b) use to c) were used to 36) Oh dear. Someone’s left ________ card in the cash machine! a) they b) their c) one’s 37) My younger cousin Amélie ________ always calling me to ask for help with her homework. a) used to b) would c) was 38) Do you often go to the theatre ________? a) ourselves b) by myself c) by yourself 39) We ________ sleeping deeply when the hotel fire alarm went off, so we got a terrible fright! a) was b) used c) were 40) I think I’ll give it a go. You know what ________ say – you have to learn some things yourself! a) they b) we c) one 41) The door ________ behind me when I remembered that my keys were inside. a) had just been shutting b) had just shut c) just shut 42) A: Did you see the news on TV last night? B: No. ________, I don’t even own a TV. a) The fact b) In fact c) As a fact 43) On ________, I could finish the project today. On the other hand, I could finish it tomorrow. a) another hand b) one hand c) the one hand 44) The civilians ________ trying to loot a supermarket last night. a) were getting caught b) were got caught c) got caught 45) It can be difficult to get ________ to living with a new flatmate. a) used b) use c) being used 46) Mia lost her credit card, but ________ she managed to cancel it before anyone used it. a) in other words b) at least c) I mean 47) Can you ________ to repair camera number three, please? a) to get b) get c) get someone 48) I think we should go out tonight. ________, it is your birthday. a) Incidentally b) Basically c) After all 49) I’m going to the post office because I need ________ my passport renewed. a) get b) to get c) getting 50) Could we ________ Rosa to look after the children? a) to get b) got c) get 51) As I was ________, if you go on holiday in April, you’ll miss the conference in Paris. a) saying b) telling c) talking 52) ________ our meeting on Wednesday, do you mind if we postpone? a) Regarding b) Otherwise c) As far as 53) I need ________ a new mobile. This one seems to be broken. a) get b) to get c) getting 54) ________ the whole, I think the drama series was historically accurate. a) In b) On c) Of 55) I can’t wait until the next episode. Dan seems ________ into trouble with the enemy! a) to have got b) got c) to got 56) OK, I’ll call Marga. Oh, ________, do you think we should make a dinner reservation? a) all in all b) by the way c) talking about 57) This computer seems faulty. We’d better get the technician ________ a look at it. a) to take b) taking c) take 58) I wasn’t invited to the party. ________, I wouldn’t have gone. I’m too busy. a) That is to say b) In case c) In any case 59) We’re short-staffed as someone ________ last week. a) to get sacked b) got sacked c) was got sacked 60) As far as dating apps ________, I just can’t see the point. a) are the concern b) concern c) are concerned 61) In Scotland it ________ dark until after 11 p.m. in the summer. a) doesn’t get b) not get c) ’s not getting 62) The weather’s going to be changeable today. ________ words, you should probably take a jacket. a) Another b) In any c) In other


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