1) Выбери лишнее слово a) yeserday b) today c) last d) ago 2) Dina ... Tolya with his homework yesterday. a) help b) helps c) helped 3) Larissa didn't ... to music last night a) listen b) listens c) listened 4) Выбери лишнее слово a) did b) he c) she d) you 5) Did Rita ... in the park yesterday? a) play b) plays c) played 6) Dima ... the flowers every day. a) water b) waters c) watered 7) Выбери лишнее слово a) talked b) lived c) smiled d) add 8) I ... the party last night. a) like b) likes c) liked 9) Выбери лишнее слово a) painted b) skated c) danced d) studied 10) Vadim ... Britain two years ago. a) visit b) visits c) visited


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