1) I can't promise _______ (be) on time. a) be b) to be c) being d) am e) are f) is 2) ____________ (swim) is better exercise than running. a) swims b) swam c) swiming d) swim e) to swim f) swimming 3) Would you like ____________ (come) to my party tomorrow? a) come b) coming c) comes d) to come e) to came f) comeing 4) Do you mind ____________ (not talk) so loudly? a) not to talk b) to not talk c) don't talk d) talking not e) not talking f) not talk 5) It was very interesting _________ (see) my old school again. a) seeing b) see c) to see d) sees e) saw f) seing 6) He works at weekends __________ (earn) more money. a) earning b) earns c) earnt d) to earn e) earned f) earn 7) On Sundays she likes _____________ (not do) anything. a) to not do b) not to do c) not do d) not does e) not doing f) doing not 8) We were unhappy with the service, so the restaurant offered ____________ (give) us a free dinner. a) to give b) give c) giving d) gives e) togive f) gave 9) Is it difficult _________ (learn) Japanese? a) learning b) to learn c) learns d) learn e) leaning f) learnt 10) He's very competitive. He thinks ____________ (win) is the most important thing. a) winning b) to won c) won d) to win e) win f) wins 11) She tried _____________ (not hit) the man, but she was driving too quickly. a) not hitting b) not hit c) not to hit d) to not hit e) don't hit f) not hits 12) He was nervous about __________ (not pass) the exam. a) not pass b) to not pass c) not passing d) not to pass e) no pass f) not passes 13) I've always dreamed of ____________ (travel) around Mexico for a year. a) to travel b) travel c) travelling d) traveling e) travels f) travelllling 14) I'm very happy _____________ (be) here again. a) to be b) be c) being d) am e) was f) are 15) He pretended ___________ (not understand) the police officer. a) understand b) not to understand c) to not understand d) not understanding e) not understand f) don't understand 16) In Australia you can't __________ before you are 18 years old. a) to vote b) voting c) votes d) vote e) voted f) voteing 17) Did you have ____________ English when you were at school? a) to study b) studying c) studies d) study e) studied f) studing 18) You must ____________ the road without looking for traffic. a) not cross b) not crossed c) not crossing d) not to cross e) cross not f) to not cross 19) I have _________ home now. a) go b) to go c) going d) goes e) gone f) togo 20) You don't have __________ watch the movie if you don't want to. a) watching b) to watch c) watches d) watch e) watched f) watchng

EC B4 M1 7C Choose the correct verb form.


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