Main Cause of Colonialism - Europeans wanted resources, Scramble for Africa - Nickname for era when European powers conquered 90% of Africa, Transportation - This was needed by Europeans to conquer and maintain control of Africa. Includes railroads and steamboats., Copper - A resource located in Africa that was desired by Europeans, South Africa - This country had uranium, copper, diamonds, gold, and chromium as its natural resources (use map on slide 4), Ethiopia - One of three independent areas in Africa after Europeans had divided the land between themselves (use slide 5), King Leopold II - Belgian king who created Congo Free State , Christianity - Religion that Europeans wanted to convert Africans to, 1870s - During this time period, Africans were in control of 90% of the African continent, 1880s - When the Scramble for Africa started, Berlin Conference - European powers met in 1884 at this meeting to divide up African lands between themselves. No African representatives were present, Diamonds - The main natural resource in Botswana (use slide 4), Map Title - Tells you what a map is showing, Map Key - Explains symbols on a map, France - European country that controlled most of West Africa (use slide 5),

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