media - methods of communication, such as TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the internet, local - in or of a specific place, edition - specific version of a newspaper, book, magazine, subscribe - to agree to have a paper or magazine delivered on a regular basis, publish - to make public, newsstand - a small booth or shop that sells newspapers and magazines, journalist - a person who writes for newspapers and magazines, paper route - the particular area where one delivers newspapers, circulation - the number of copies a newspaper sold to the public, channel - a place from which TV messages are sent, broadcast - to send out in all directions by radio, tv, or internet, news anchor - a person broadcasting on TV, radio, or internet, documentary - a type of program or film that presents factual information, talk show - a type of TV or radio program in which interesting topics are discussed, host - the on-air person in charge of a particular TV show, sensationalized - made to create a very strong emotional reaction, internet provider - a company that provides internet services, tabloid - a type of newspaper with many pictures and sensationalized topics,

Newspaper & Media Vocabulary


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