1) Mum has bought eggs, flour and fruit. She ... (bake) a cake. 2) I ... (be) happy when I grow up. 3) I think, people ... (speak) one language one day. 4) Steve is tired. He ... (have) a short nap. 5) She didn't study hard enough, so she ... (pass) her final exam. 6) There ... (be) no diseases in future. 7) In 10 years, no one ... (use) CDs any more. 8) There's ice on the path. They ... (slip) and fall. 9) Scientists say the weather ... (be) hot this summer. 10) It's cloudy, it ... (rain). 11) I think, our team ... (win) the match. 12) In 2055 robots ... (be) our teachers. 13) I doubt he ... (pass) the English test. 14) I'm sure that you ... (find) your lost ring. 15) Schools ... (not/use) books in future, they ... (give) every student a tablet.


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