The mad scientist was told he had a brand new metal to ____ and find information about. He was often a little ____, so this made him quite excited and he literally jumped in the air when he found out. The scientist was also a ____ man, who made up crazy stories about all of the "excellent work" he had done and tried to ____ to get ____ people to believe him. He would ____ these stories in his annoying, ____ to everybody he met, and he was not liked by many. When he wasn't telling an ____ story, he was ____ the importance of science in the most ____ way possible. In other words, he was not a ____ guy, and very much a ____ one. So when his new metal arrived, the mad scientist decided he had no time to ____, and he got right to work. He quickly saw that it was very ____, and this metal was not much of an ____. He took a knife through it, and ____ it into smaller pieces. It was ____ from anything he'd worked with before, but he thought he got all of his information right. He wrote up the report on it, and when he showed his boss, it was ____ and he was told his information was false. He was fired and went home in a ____ mood, and decided his was no longer going to ____ science.

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