Leadership is having a vision of how things should work and ____ that the entire community around are working towards that vision. That it's really hard, but actually it's not just about telling other people what to do, but it's about ____ and it's about not doing anything that you wouldn't expect others to do. Leaders should not be ____, they should not believe that they have all the answers, they should trust the people who they pay and recruit to specialise in the things that they specialise in, and they should not ask for advice if they're not willing to consider it and take it on. You're never going to please everybody: it's about maintaining that ____ in order to ensure that it all works and every piece of the machine is running smoothly. You've got to be willing to listen, you've got to be willing to be wrong, you've got to be willing to learn something and you've got to be willing to ____ in the hard work.

LEADERSHIP: Working with the community: Djamila Boothman


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