ancient ritual - a ceremony of the past, applaud - to clap in order to show approval of sb/ sth, bonfire - a fire made outdoors as a part of celebration, brass band - a groups of musicians who play such musical instruments as trumpets and horns, cheer - to shout loudly to encourage sb or to show approval, complete a circuit - go round an entire set route, burning tar - thick black sticky substance in flames, court jester - a person who made kings laugh, eye-catching costumes - outfits that draw attention, fancy dress - funny clothing worn to a party, hurl - to throw with a lot of force, in anticipation of - looking forward to, invasion - intrusion, lift - to move sb or sth upwards, nestle - to be in a comfortable or sheltered area, outstanding - excellent, procession - a group of people walking in a line as part of an event, shallow wooden barrel - a wooden container with a short distance from top to bottom, spectacle - a sight, a scene, swarm - to have somewhere in large numbers,

The Tar Baal (On screen B2)


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