1) what should you do before eating a) Yell out I WANT TO EAT APPLES AND BANANAS AND SING HUMPTY DUMPTY b) wash your hands c) nothing d) go to the bathroom e) sleep f) do not wash your hands 2) How many times should you shower per week a) as much as you want b) once each day c) Take it or leave it i dont care d) NEVER e) Showers are illegal - the presedent f) every single day every hour every minute every secound 3) why is good hygiene neccessary as you get older a) so you can find someone to marry b) hygiene does not exsist c) your forced to do it but as soon as you fall in love s using hygiene and everyone will love you d) cause i dont care e) cause of annoying hormones, sweat, and oil make us smelly f) so you can be come a smelly skunk 4) whats body odor a) the unpleasant smell of a dirty smelly person suffering puberty b) it's related to poverty c) SMElly skin  d) I am correct e) he lies f) 2 tell truths but the rest lie 5) body oder can be prevented by a) if you are popular at school b) good hygiene, showers,deodorant c) your life sucks so deal with it as your problems cant be solved which i dont really care about but it is only towards the people who click this d) totally not b e) did i ask f) lets go to nandos but your paying for everything 6) what makes you sick a) germs and bad hygeine b) mean people c) did i ever ask d) i dont care e) eating orange f) burritos 7) you just found a old piece of cheese under the basket ball hoop. what should you do that the most healthy a) eat it b) start the cheese touch c) force others to eat it d) avoid it e) pick it up amd throw it in the bin and not washing your hands after f) yell out THIS IS LITTERING I WILL REPORT YOU TO THE MANAGER! 


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