1) Who is this man? a) Gavrilo Princip b) Gustav Princip c) Franz Ferdinand 2) Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1913 in Sarajevo, but which empire was the Archduke from? a) Russia b) Germany c) Austria-Hungary 3) Where is Sarajevo? a) Serbia b) Bosnia c) Austria 4) The assassination of Franz Ferdinand sparked off the Alliances in Europe, which nations made up the Triple Alliance? a) Germany, Austria-Hungary & Turkey b) Britain, France & Russia c) Britain, France & America 5) Which nation had the smallest army at the start of the First World War? a) Russia b) Germany c) Britain d) Austria-Hungary 6) Most of the fighting during the war took place in where? a) France b) Germany c) Italy 7) Which nation did Germany invade that brought Britain into the war? a) France b) Belgium c) Italy 8) Which of the following was not used for the first time during the First World War? a) Poison gas b) Tanks c) Machine guns d) Aeroplanes 9) The Western Front stretched from the Alps to the Channel. a) True b) False 10) Which side had the better trench system? a) Britain b) France c) Germany 11) Which was the first major offensive that the British took part in? a) Ypres b) The Somme c) Verdun 12) What does BEF stand for? a) British Expert Force b) British Empire Force c) British Expeditionary Force 13) Who is this? a) Sir John French b) Field Marshall Haig c) General Kitchener 14) How many men made up the BEF to start with? a) 800 000 b) 500 000 c) 80 000 15) Which of the following was not a constant problem for the soldiers? a) Drunkeness b) Lice c) Rats 16) What was the name of the huge offensive planned by the British and French in 1916? a) Verdun b) Ypres c) The Somme 17) Which of the following was not a method of German defence during the Battle of the Somme? a) Machine guns b) Aeroplane c) Missiles d) Barbed wire 18) How many men died during the first day of the Somme? a) 10000 b) 20000 c) 30000 19) What was the punishment for most men who were court martialled? a) Dismissal b) Execution c) Imprisonment 20) Which fields became famous after a poem was written about the slaughter of the war. a) Parisian b) Normandy c) Flanders' 21) Which of the following is not a reason why Britain went to war in 1914? a) Germany would dominate Europe if they defeated France. b) Germany was making aggressive statements and threats. c) Germany was threatening Britain's empire. 22) Who is this? a) Lloyd George b) Herbert Asquith c) Winston Churchill 23) Which nation suffered the highest casualties during the war? a) Germany b) Britain c) Italy d) USA 24) What is the name given to men who refused to fight during the First World War? a) The Cowardly Custards b) The Honourable Refusers c) The Concentious Objectors 25) Hitler fought in the First World War. a) True b) False

WW1 (World war one) intro quiz


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