The brain is our fattiest organ, being composed of nearly 60% fat. (appear) - fact. We've learned in recent years that fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules that determine your brain's integrity and ability to perform., Napoleon was short. (believe) - myth, he was probably of average height. The myth that he was short stems primarily from the fact that he is listed as 5 feet 2 inches tall at the time of his death. However, this is 5 feet 2 inches in French units. In modern international units, he was just shy of 5 feet 7 inches., Vikings used to wear horned helmets. (say) - myth. There is no evidence that the Vikings wore horned helmets, and nothing like this has ever been discovered in any archaeological dig. They certainly wore helmets but they would have been simple skullcaps, designed to protect the head from impact., Australia is home to the largest number of venomous snakes in the world (report) - myth. It's Columbia, Eating sugar makes children hyperactive. (apparently) - myth. From a scientific perspective, there is no substantial evidence that sugar or artificial sweeteners cause hyperactivity in children., The average cloud you can see during the sunny day weighs around 500,000 kg (claim) - fact. First of all, you need to realise that clouds are made up of a lot of tiny water droplets, which means that they must have some mass. The next step is to then work out how dense your cloud is., Different zones on the tongue are responsible for different taste sensations - sour, bitter, sweet, etc. (think) - myth. The ability to taste sweet, salty, sour and bitter isn’t sectioned off to different parts of the tongue. The receptors that pick up these tastes are actually distributed all over., The Guinness book of records was created to settle a pub argument. (say) - fact, Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur. (seem) - fact, Hairs become thicker if you shave them. (apparently) - myth,

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