1) ___________(Susan) is talking to ______________(her father) a) She, him b) He, her c) She, her d) He, him e) Her, him f) Him, her 2) I feed _____________(my cat) every morning, but ______________(my sister) never does. a) its, her b) he, she c) him, her d) it, she e) its, her f) it, he 3) __________________(Martha and I) are having fun in Kraków, but ___________(our parents) are bored at home. a) we, they b) you, us c) our, we d) our, them e) we, we f) we, them 4) ___________(my mum) is telling a story to ___________(my brother) a) Her, him b) She, him c) Him, her d) She, he e) She, her f) He, him 5) _________________(children) are sitting in ________________(the car) a) They, them b) Our, her c) We, him d) They, it e) He, its f) They, its 6) ______________(Henry) plays football with _________________(his friend Mike) a) She, her b) He, him c) He, he d) They, him e) They, her f) She, he 7) Write an essay in ________________(your notebook) a) it b) its c) your d) your e) yours f) them 8) I am never nice to __________________(my cousins) a) their b) it c) its d) them e) they f) him 9) _____________(Susan and you) never talk to _____________(Mike and Tom) a) She, them b) You, them c) You, him d) They, them e) You, you f) They, him 10) ___________________(Our dog) sometimes barks at ______________(people) a) Its, them b) They, them c) It, him d) We, them e) It, them f) Their, it


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