1) Pancakes ... with sour cream a) serve b) are served c) is served d) served 2) You ... draniki with a lot of sour cream. a) are eaten b) is eaten c) eat d) are eat 3) Tomatoes ... in India a) are grown b) is grown c) grow d) grown 4) Pizza ... all over the world. a) made b) are made c) is made d) makes 5) My sister ... pizza with tomato sauce and grated cheese. a) make b) makes c) is made d) are made 6) Juice ... with straberries. a) makes b) is made c) are made d) made 7) English.... all over the world. a) taught b) are taught c) is taught d) teaches 8) Football... in Belarus. a) are played b) plays c) is played d) play 9) We .... at school. a) aren't sing b) aren't sung c) don't sing d) doesn't sing 10) Mary______ her hair every day a) washes b) wash c) is washed d) are wash

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