1) At B1 level students are a) basic users b) independent users c) waystage users 2) As threshold users, learners can a) communicate in basic English with help from the listener b) Can communicate in English within a limited range of contexts c) communicate essential points and ideas in familiar contexts 3) According to Cambridge at B1 level learners have consolidated approximately a) 180 guided learning hours b) 500 guided learning hours c) 350 guided learning hours 4) According to the Global Scale, B1 learners can a) describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions b) briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans c) describe aspects of their background and immediate environment d) interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity 5) At B1 level learners can a) can participate in direct exchanges of information on very familiar topics b) repeat and rephrase at a lower rate of speech c) deal with most situations like to happen when traveling 6) At B1 level learners can a) make conversation with native speakers with a degree of fluency b) enter unprepared into a conversation on familiar topics c) communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a direct exchange of information 7) At A2 level learners can a) handle short social exchanges but can't keep the conversation going b) connect phrases in a simple way to describe experiences and dreams c) explain a viewpoint on a topical issue  d) briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions 8) At B1 level learners can a) link groups of words with simple connectors (and, but,  b) link discrete simple elements into connected linear sequenced points c) link groups of words with very basic linear connector 9) At B1 level learners use a) a basic repertoire of words and simple phrases b) enough language with sufficient vocabulary to express themselves c) sufficient range of language and vocabulary 10) In terms of fluency B1 learners a) use of pause, false starts and reformulation is evident b) take turns when appropriate and end a conversation when needed c) initiate, maintain and close face-to-face conversations on familiar topics d) confirm mutual understanding

B1 Can Do Statement for Speaking Exam


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