Aktywa (majątek) - Assets, Gotówka - Cash, Należności - Accounts receivable, Aktywa obrotowe (all assets that are expected to be converted into cash within one year in the normal course of business) - Current assets, Aktywa trwałe (long-term tangible pieces of property that are used in the production of income and are not expected to be consumed or converted into cash within one year at least) - Fixed assets, Grunt - Land, Pasywa/ Zobowiązania - Liabilities, Zobowiązania podatkowe - Taxes payable, Lista płac (a list of employees in a company with the salaries they receive) - Payroll, Zobowiązania długoterminowe - Long-term liabilities, Pożyczki spłacane ratami - Loans repayable, Aktywa netto (the total assets of an entity, minus its total liabilities) - Net assets, Kapitał własny - Owner's equity,

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