Choral Speech - When a group of actors speak the same line at the same time, Choral Movement - When a group of actors do the same movement at the same time, Physical Theatre - When we tell a story through stylised movement, Thought Track - When an actor is talking their inner thoughts out loud, Soundscape - When actors create sounds to show an atmosphere or setting on stage, Monologue - When an actor is talking to the audience or another actor , Slow motion - When you slow down your action or speech, Split stage - When you split your stage in half and perform scenes on either side, Still image - When the actors stop moving in a scene to highlight what is going on, Action Narration - When an actor is performing and telling the audience what they are doing, Direct address - When an actor is talking directly to an actor, Direct audience address - When an actor is talking directly to the audience, Cross Cutting - When two scenes are going on beside each other, Flashback - When the story goes back in to a moment earlier on in the show, Multi-rolling - When an actor plays more than one role, Marking The Moment - When the actors are highliting a key moment of the play through slow motion or freeze frames, Split Role - When two actors share the same role, Narration - When an actor is telling the audience what is going on in the play,

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