The neurodiversity movement brings a new ____ to a number of commonly diagnosed cognitive and neurological issues. It is no surprise that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has taken centre stage. The ____ neurotypical and neurodivergent have entered our dictionary to describe behaviours that are associated with a person’s neurological abilities. In ____, sociologist Judy Singer first used the word neurodiversity to describe herself as "likely somewhere on the autistic spectrum. This term presented a shift from the “____ theories” that were commonly used to explain the causes of autism. The behaviours commonly associated with autism have long been identified: • trouble identifying common social cues • emotional ____ • intense sensory ____ • trouble socializing and inability to read facial expressions • an obsessive singular focus on things of interest ____ these behaviours typically suggests the presence of autism. But, individually, those same behaviours are also found in a lot of people who do not view themselves as autistic. For example, we all know someone with ____ social skills who has a hard time connecting with others… maybe you know someone who gets stressed out in ____, crowded places and prefers to be a at home. Any parent will tell you children and teenagers have difficulty regulating emotions and many of the most successful people are perfectionists who obsess over the smallest details. This ____ the questions: Should we label someone as “autistic” or ____ them as having a “____” just because they diverge from normal behaviours? Who decides what is normal behaviour? Is there a better way to refer to people who do not exhibit the same social and emotional abilities? There is no ____ for autism and no serious understanding of why or how autism spectrum disorder comes about or acts on the brain to cause the effects that it does. Thanks to social media ____, many people have started to open up about their struggles and difficulties that make them neurologically different from others. ____ Eilish declared on November 27, 2018, that she has Tourette’s Syndrome. Ingvar Kamprad, Founder of IKEA has ADHD and Dyslexia. Both ____ Gosling and ____ Watson have ADHD. Albert Einstein, ____ Jobs, Elon Musk and Greta Thunberg have Asperger’s Syndrome. Neurodiversity rights ____ that differences in behaviours are simply normal expressions of human ____ rather than disorders to be diagnosed and treated. This something that ____ heated arguments; there are still people who consider autism and related behaviours as a ____ while there are others who believe that The neurodiversity movement prefers to view individuals with autism and other cognitive or neurological impairments in a similar fashion – simply as people with normal human differences in behaviours. The ____ of neurodiversity rights advocates is to ____ our definition of what is viewed as normal and acceptable rather than attempting to alter those behaviours as a matter of course. There are many members of the movement who believe that there is no need for treatment at all in most cases, and that treatments being forced on them are effectively efforts to alter their personalities without their ____. For them, neurodiversity represents the next phase of an ongoing struggle for civil rights for ____ groups—in this case, autistic individuals. It’s a debate that ____ the ASD community and many of the professionals who work within this field. ____ of the movement ____ that autism rights advocates only consider the high-functioning end of the spectrum. They question whether leaving low-functioning ASD patients to their own devices is morally acceptable or ____ responsible. Parents of autistic children who have watched their children suffer from being ostracized and ____ due to their differences and seen them become depressed at their inability to fit it, also push back against the idea that treatment isn’t necessary. They believe that proper treatment such as applied behaviour analysis and other ____ therapies give their children the best possible chance at a normal life. In the view of neurodiversity ____, attempting to cure autism is like attempting to cure left-handedness or homosexuality. They claim, is an ____ effort to repress the natural forms of expression that autistic individuals use. In their view, a better way to provide a normal life would be to ____ those individuals as they are, not as society ____ them to be. In your opinion, which side of the debate does Mark Haddon support? What textual evidence do you have to support this?

What is the Neurodiversity Movement and Autism Rights?


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