employment center - a place to help people find jobs and employers to find employees, employment counsellor - someone trained to help people develop their job search skills, job postings - advertisements for jobs on a bulletin board or a web site, community agencies - local organizations that help specific groups of residents, job seekers - people looking for a job, job search workshops - training to help participants learn how to find work, resume - a printed summary of a person's education, experience, skills, etc., job interview - a meeting between an employer and a person looking for a job to learn more about each other, cover letter - a business letter sent to an employer to express interest in a job and introduce a resume, terrified - having a lot of fear, figuring out - thinking about and resolving a problem or challenge, in the long run - over an extended period of time, apprenticeship - a situation in which someone works for another skilled tradesman to learn that trade , prospects - the possibility of future success in a career or job, cut back - reduce, related occupation - a job that is similar to another, field - an area of activity that people work or study in,

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