1 If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d …, 2 If my parents hadn’t decided to paint our living room the colour it is now, I would’ve chosen …, 3 If I’d been able to choose the place I lived, I’d have chosen …., 4 If my room is untidy, I …, 5 If you saw my room, you’d like …, 6 If I could decorate my room any way I wanted, I’d … , 7 If I could choose to live in the town or the countryside, I’d …, 8 If I want to fi nd a quiet space in my house, I …, 9 I won’t feel comfortable in a room unless …, 10 If my family had chosen to live in another country, we’d probably have …, 11 If I buy something for my room, it’ll usually be …, 12 If I could have one famous artwork in my home, it’d be ….


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