1) Accusative singular of Puella is .. a) Puella b) Puellam c) Puellae 2) Accusative singular of Dominus is... a) Dominus b) Dominae c) Dominum 3) Nominative plural of Ancilla is.. a) Ancillam b) Ancillae c) Ancillis 4) Ablative plural of Mercator is.. a) Mercatoris b) Mercatoribus c) Mercatori 5) Dative plural of Miles is ...... a) Militibus b) Milites c) Militum 6) Genitiv plural of Bellum is... a) Bellorum b) Bellis c) Bella 7) Nominativ plural of Bellum is ... a) Bellarum b) Bella c) Bellos 8) Accusative singular of Miles is... a) Milites b) Militem c) Miles 9) Habebant is.. a) 3rd person plural imperfect tense b) 2nd person singular perfect tense c) 2nd person plural present tense 10) Laudaverunt is.. a) 2nd person singular present tense b) 3rd person plural perfect tense c) 1st person plural imperfect tense 11) Amavit is... a) 1st person singular present tense b) 2nd person plural imperfect tense c) 3rd person singular perfect tense 12) In the sentence: Minimus pompam spectat , which word is in accusative? a) Minimus b) pompam c) spectat 13) What is an accusative plural of the noun Ancilla? a) Ancillas b) Ancillis c) Ancilla 14) Which of these verbs is in imperfect case? a) ducebat b) habuisti c) amant 15) Which of these verbs is in perfect case? a) Laudat b) Laudaverunt c) Laudabant 16) What is ablative plural case of the noun NAVIS a) naves b) navibus c) navis 17) What is genitiv plural case of the PULCHRA PUELLA?(Pretty girl) a) pulchram puellam b) pulchris puellis c) pulchrarum puellarum 18) Translate the sentence: Rufus donum Lepidinae dat. a) Rufus makes a cake for Lepidina. b) Rufus gives a gift to Lepidina. c) Rufus makes Lepidina sad. 19) What is in dative singular case a) bonae ancillae b) bonas ancillas c) boni ancilli 20) What is a genitiv plural case of the noun Mercator? a) Mercatoribus b) Mercatorum c) Mercatis


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