1) play a) played b) playid c) plaied d) playd 2) enjoy a) enjoyd b) enjoyed c) enjoyid d) enjoied 3) carry a) carryed b) carryid c) carried d) carryied 4) study a) studyed b) studyied c) studyid d) studied 5) open a) opened b) openned c) opend d) opennid 6) visit a) visitted b) visited c) visitd d) visittid 7) stop a) stoped b) stopd c) stopped d) stoppid 8) skip a) skipd b) skiped c) skippid d) skipped 9) fill a) filled b) filld c) fillid d) fillied 10) ask a) askied b) asked c) askd d) askid 11) wash a) washid b) washd c) washed d) washied 12) watch a) watchid b) watchd c) watchied d) watched 13) shout a) shouted b) shoutid c) shoutd d) shoutied 14) hope a) hopd b) hoped c) hopeed d) hoppied 15) skate a) skateed b) skatd c) skated d) skattied 16) to live a) livd b) livid c) liveed d) lived 17) want a) wantied b) wantyed c) wanted d) wantyied 18) try a) tryed b) tred c) tried 19) arrive a) arrivyed b) arrived c) arriveed d) arrivied 20) reply a) replyied b) replyed c) repled d) replied 21) cook a) cookiyed b) cookyed c) cooked d) cookied 22) call a) called b) callied c) callyed d) callid

Past simple of regular verbs, multiple choice


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