1) ... 8 o'clock Tom goes to school. a) At b) On  c) In 2) вечером a) in the afternoon b) in the evening c) in the morning 3) Mike usually tidies his room ... Tuesday. a) on b) in c) at 4) The girl dances ... the disco. a) at b) in c) on  5) The weather is warm and sunny ... summer. a) at b) in c) on 6) She is ... the museum now. a) on b) in c) at 7) Are the trees green ... May? a) on b) in c) at 8) I live ... Gomel. a) in b) on c) at 9) There are many lakes ... Belarus a) in b) on c) at 10) в парке аттракционов a) in the park b) in the amusement park 11) I go for a walk ... my friend. a) to b) after c) with 12) ... the English lesson I want to go home. a) After b) In c) At 13) Let's go ... the park! a) to b) in c) at 14) на дискотеке a) at the cinema b) at the disco c) in the swimming pool 15) She reads books ... home a) at b) in c) to 16) Are you ... the circus? a) in b) at c) to 17) в зоопарке a) at the zoo b) in the zoo c) at the circus 18) в бассейне a) to the swimming pool b) at the swimming pool c) in the swimming pool 19) ... the cinema a) at b) on c) in 20) I want to go ... the cinema. a) to b) at c) in

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