1) the main concern of the classroom teacher is to monitor the learning progress of the student a) BEFORE INSTRUCTION b) AFTER INSTRUCTIONS c) DURING INSTRUCTION 2) It is a type of assessment used to monitor the learnings progress of the student during instructions. a) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT b) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT c) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT d) PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT 3) It is a type of assessment given at the beginning of the instructions. It aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the students regarding the topics to be discussed. a) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT b) PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT c) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT d) DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT 4) A type of assessment usually given at the end of a course unit. a) SUMMATIVE TEST b) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT c) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT d) PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT 5) It is used to describe students performance according to relative position in some known group. a) FIXED RESPONSE TEST b) MASTERY TEST c) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS d) NORM REFERENCED INTERPRETATION 6) is a type of test develope by the classroom teachers. a) SPEED TEST b) SURVEY TEST c) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST d) STANDARDIZED TEST 7) It is used to describe students performance according to specified domain of clearly defined task. This method of interpretation is used when the teacher wants to determine how well the students have learned specific knowledge or skills in a certain course or subject matter. a) DURING INSTRUCTION  b) INDIVIDUAL TEST c) SURVEY TEST d) CRITERION REFERENCE INTERPRETATION 8) is a type of test developed by the speacialist a) STANDARDIZED TEST b) DIAGNOSTIC TEST c) FORMATIVE TEST d) SPEED TEST e) SUBJECTIVE TEST 9) In this method of interpretation it is assumed that the level of performance of Will not vary much from one class to another class a) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT b) DURING INSTRUCTION c) PERFORMANCE - BASED ASSESSMENT d) NORM REFERENCED INTERPRETATION 10) Is a type of test in which two or more evaluators give an examinee the score a) INDIVIDUAL TEST b) OBJECTIVE TEST c) STANDARDIZED TEST d) DURING INSTRUCTION 11) Is a type of test in which the scores are influenced by the judgment of the evaluator, meaning there is no correct answer a) FIXED RESPONSE TEST b) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT c) SUBJECTIVE TEST d) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS 12) Is a type of test that requires the examinees to supply an answer, such as an essay test item or completion or short answer test item. a) SUPPLY TEST b) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST c) CRITERION REFERENCE INTERPRETATION d) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 13) It is a type of test that requires the examines to select an answer from a given option such multiple choice test, matching type of test, or true or false test. a) SUMMATIVE TEST b) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST c) FIXED RESPONSE TEST d) SPEED TEST 14) Is a type of test administered to student to one-on-one basis using oral questioning a) MASTERY TEST b) SURVEY TEST c) INDIVIDUAL TEST d) OBJECTIVE TEST 15) Is a type of test administered to a group of individuals or group of students a) GROUP TEST b) SUMMATIVE TEST c) DIAGNOSTIC TEST 16) Is a type of achievement test that measures the degree of mastery of limited set of learning outcomes using criterion referenced to interpret the results. a) OBJECTIVE TEST b) POWER TEST c) MASTERY TEST d) SURVEY TEST 17) Is a type of test that measures students general achievement over broad range of learning outcomes a) SURVEY TEST b) APTITUDE TEST c) POWER TEST 18) is designed to measure a number of items of individual cab complete over a period time a) SURVEY TEST b) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS c) SUPPLY TEST d) SPEED TEST 19) Is designed to measure the level of performance rather than speed of response. It contains test items that are arranged according to increasing degree of difficulty a) SURVEY TEST b) POWER TEST c) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS d) DURING INSTRUCTION 20) Students are expected to recognize that there is only one correct or best answer for the question asked a) STANDARDIZED TEST b) SURVEY TEST c) SUMMATIVE TEST d) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT 21) It is type of assessment in which the students choose their answer from a given choice. a) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT b) PERFORMANCE - BASED ASSESSMENT c) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT 22) An assessment in which students create original response to answer a certain question. Students respond to a question using their own ideas, in their own words. a) NORM REFERENCED INTERPRETATION b) STANDARDIZED TEST c) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT 23) Assessment is based on authentic tasks that demonstrate student's ability to accomplish communication goals. a) GROUP TEST b) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT c) DURING INSTRUCTION 24) The teacher student focus on communication, not on right and wrong answers. a) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT b) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST c) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT 25) Students help the teacher to set the criteria for successful completion of communication task a) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST b) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS c) GROUP TEST d) OBJECTIVE TEST 26) Students have opportunities to assess themselves and their peers a) PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT b) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS c) PERFORMANCE - BASED ASSESSMENT d) SPEED TEST 27) Is an assessment in which students are asked to perform real world tasks demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills. a) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT COMPONENTS b) SUMMATIVE TEST c) PERFORMANCE - BASED ASSESSMENT 28) It is direct measure of Student performance because the task are designed to incorporate context, problems and solution strategies that students would use in real life.f Student performance because the task are designed to incorporate context, problems and solution strategies that students would use in real life. a) TRADITIONAL ASSESSMENT b) SPEED TEST c) PERFORMANCE - BASED ASSESSMENT d) NON- STANDARDIZED TEST 29) Is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas over a period of time. a) PORTFOLIO b) PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT 30) It measures the growth and development of students a) PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT b) PORTFOLIO 31) is the systematic, longitudinal collection of students work created in response to specific, known instructional objects and evaluated in relation to the same criteria a) PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT b) PORFOLIO 32) is to determine the prerequisites skills, degrees and mastery of the mastery of the course the best mode of learning. a) PLACEMENT ASSESSMENT b) FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT c) ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT



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