To study - Hit the books, To barely make it - By the skin of your teeth, Quick to understand things - On the Ball, Almost impossible to find - Find a needle in the haystack, To think about something for a while - Sleep on it, To wait patiently - Sit tight, Things are not sure to happen / not finished - Up in the air, Very easy - Piece of cake, Convince someone - Twist someone´s arm, Good luck! - Break a leg, an impostor - a catfish , be fired - get the boot, a liar - pants on fire, start writing - put pen to paper, do more than is expected - go the extra mile, to work extremely hard, especially for a long time - work your fingers to the bone, stop doing bad or dishonest things. Behave properly  - clean up your act, take a rest - put one`s feet up, in contact - In touch, something that takes effort over a long time - a long houl, on risk  - hanging by a thread, take the blame or responsability for something that goes wrong - carry the can, do many things at the same time - burn the candle at both ends, accept things the way they are - go with the flow,



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