1) People (A1) ... in the Amazon Basin for 10,000 years when it was "first discovered" by a Spaniard called Don Francisco de Orellana in 1542. a) were lived b) were living c) live d) had lived e) have lived 2) He (A2) ... for forests of cinnamon and, of course, gold. The Indians promised the Europeans that there was gold because they knew that as long as the Spaniards needed them as guides, the Indians were safe. a) was looked b) was looking c) has been looking d) has looked e) looks 3) In fact it was nearly a year before Orellana and his team finally (A3) ... the junction of the Napo and Amazon rivers. a)  were reaching b) have reached c) have been reaching d) were reached e) reached 4) Originally the new river (A4) ... Rio de Orellana after its European discoverer. Although the Spaniards didn’t find any gold, they did find the greatest river in the world.  a) was named b) named c) was naming d) has named e) names 5) However, today we (A5) ... the wonderful Amazon rainforests and it (A6) ... that the last remaining rainforests could be destroyed in less than 40 years.  a) are destroyed b) destroyed c) are destroying d) were destroyed e) had destroyed 6) However, today we (A5) ... the wonderful Amazon rainforests and it (A6) ... that the last remaining rainforests could be destroyed in less than 40 years.  a) is believing b) believes c) has believed d) is believed e) has been believing 7) Moreover, nearly half of the world's species of plants, animals and microorganisms (A7) ... over the next 25 years due to rainforest deforestation. a) are destroyed b) destroy c) have destroyed d) are destroying e) will be destroyed

ЦТ 2020 Вариант 1


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