Discretion - the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation, Bureaucracy - A hierarchically structured organization that carries out specific functions., Delegation of Authority - A principle of command in which personnel take orders from and are responsible for those in positions of authority directly above them, Detective - The main person who investigates crimes for the police, Confidential informant - a person who provides information to the police on illegal activity that they are involved in, Cold case - A criminal investigation that has not been solved after a certain amount of time, Clearance rate - A comparison of the number of crimes cleared by arrest and prosecution with the number of crimes reported during any given period, Ballistics - the study of firearms, including the firing of the weapons and the flight of the bullet, Cold Hit - the establishment of a connection between a suspect and a crime, often through the use of DNA evidence, in the absence of an ongoing criminal investigation, Blue curtain - a metaphor used to refer to the value placed on secrecy and the general mistrust of the outside world shared by many police officers, Burnout - a mental state that occurs when a person suffers from exhaustion and has difficulty functioning normally as a result of overwork and stress, Reasonable forces - the degree of force that is appropriate to protect the police officer or other citizens and is not excessive, Deadly forces - force applied by an officer that is likely or intended to cause death, Noble cause corruption - knowing misconduct by a police officer with the goal of attaining what the officer believes is a “just” result,

Chapter 5 Vocab


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