1) Tom ______________ to London tomorrow afternoon. a) am flying b) are flying c) is flying 2) I _____________ you with your homework tonight. Don't worry! a) going to helping b) am helping c) are helping 3) My friend ___________________ "Dark" with me tomorrow at 7 p.m. a) is watching b) are going to watch c) am watching  4) Are you going to the club today? I ____________ there because I have a terrible headache. a) am not going  b) am going c) am no going 5) We ________________ computer games at 7. I've just bought the games.  a) be playing b) are playing  c) are going to go 6) My friends and I __________________ dinner on Tuesday. a) be haveing b) am having c) are having 7) We ________________ Christmas with my mom's family. a) are celebrating b) is celebrate c) are celebrate 8) Ricky and Paul _____________ at a nice hotel on Monday morning.  a) are stay  b) are staying c) is going to stay 9) Sue_______ an English course next summer. a) are taking b) is taking c) am taking 10) ______ you ________ soccer with your friends this weekend? a) Are / playing b) Is/ playing c) Are/ play

Present continuous for future plans .


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