1) What do snowmen eat for lunch? a) Iceberg-ers b) A porcupine c) Beyon-sleigh d) A meltdown 2) What do you call a greedy elf? a) She sleighs. b) Silent Night c) A meltdown d) Elfish 3) Why did Frosty's girlfriend break up with him? a) Dancer b) Hold on for deer life. c) Iceberg-ers d) He was a total flake! 4) What's every parent's favorite Christmas Carol? a) Silent Night b) The Who c) At the ho-ho-hotel d) Iceberg-ers 5) What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? a) The abdominal snowman b) Silent Night c) A porcupine d) 'Tis the season to be jelly! 6) What's the Grinch's least favorite band? a) Holly-wood b) The Who c) Hold on for deer life. d) At the ho-ho-hotel 7) Which one of Santa's reindeer has the best moves? a) Dancer b) Elfish c) She sleighs. d) 'Tis the season to be jelly! 8) What did one cranberry say to the other cranberry at Christmas? a) He was a total flake! b) 'Tis the season to be jelly! c) Silent Night d) He didn't snow his way home. 9) Where does Santa always stay when he goes on vacation? a) Candy canines b) The abdominal snowman c) She sleighs. d) At the ho-ho-hotel 10) What does Santa do when the reindeer drive too fast? a) Dancer b) A porcupine c) 25 - there’s noel. d) Hold on for deer life. 11) Why do reindeer like Mrs. Claus so much? a) She sleighs. b) Dancer c) He was a total flake! d) They have plenty of elf-confidence. 12) Who's Santa Claus's favorite pop star? a) Beyon-sleigh b) Candy canines c) Silent Night d) Because it’s Decembrrr. 13) Why did the snowman get lost? a) He didn't snow his way home. b) Dancer c) At the ho-ho-hotel d) Elfish 14) Why is it always so cold around Christmastime? a) Because it’s Decembrrr. b) Holly-wood c) Beyon-sleigh d) A meltdown 15) Why are elves such great motivational speakers? a) He didn't snow his way home. b) He was a total flake! c) They have plenty of elf-confidence. d) Beyon-sleigh 16) What do you get when you cross a pig and a Christmas tree? a) She sleighs. b) He didn't snow his way home. c) He was a total flake! d) A porcupine 17) What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum? a) A meltdown b) Silent Night c) Because it’s Decembrrr. d) A porcupine 18) What's a dog’s favorite Christmas treat? a) She sleighs. b) A porcupine c) At the ho-ho-hotel d) Candy canines 19) How many letters are in the Christmas alphabet? a) Candy canines b) Holly-wood c) She sleighs. d) 25 - there’s noel. 20) Where did the mistletoe go to become famous? a) Hold on for deer life. b) Holly-wood c) 'Tis the season to be jelly! d) 25 - there’s noel.

Christmas Jokes! Holiday Game Show


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