give somebody a ride - to take someone somewhere (My uncle gave me _____ to the party.), be in trouble - to be in a difficult situation (If I don't get this finished in time, I'll be _____.), break down - suddenly stop to function (Our car broke _____ and we had to push it off the road.), figure out - to think about somebody/something until you understand them/it (I'm trying to _____ a way to make this work.), be grateful - feeling or showing thanks because somebody has done something kind for you (I am extremely ____ to all the teachers for their help.), get lost - to be in a location unknown to someone (Use GPS not to _____.), show - to let somebody see something (You have to _____ your ticket as you go in.), warn - to tell somebody about something, especially something dangerous or unpleasant that is likely to happen, so that they can avoid it (Security experts _____ed about the problems months ago.), take care of somebody or something - to protect someone or something and provide the things that that person or thing needs (Who's going to _____ me in my old age?), feel sorry for - to feel regret or sadness about somebody or something (I’ve got no sympathy for him, but I _____ his wife.),

Needing and giving help (vocabulary)


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