1) palata a) while b) lucky c) return d) safe 2) toivoton a) hopeless b) announce c) sandwich d) clothes 3) ostaa, osti, on ostanut a) buy, bought, bought b) you can say that again c) silvery d) gentleman 4) vaatteet a) buy, bought, bought b) clothes c) sign d) hopeless 5) kuitti a) sandwich b) look for c) you can say that again d) receipt 6) vaihtaa a) bring, brought, brought b) exchange for c) airport d) receipt 7) toinen a) sign b) while c) another d) loudspeaker 8) allekirjoittaa a) receipt b) clothes c) sign d) ask for 9) etsiä a) to be just about to do something b) look for c) safe d) airport 10) turvallinen a) model b) bring, brought, brought c) safe d) sandwich 11) lentokenttä a) model b) clothes c) buy, bought, bought d) airport 12) sillä aikaa kun a) look for b) another c) while d) buy, bought, bought 13) voileipä a) gentleman b) sandwich c) while d) look for 14) löytötavaratoimisto a) lost property office b) bring, brought, brought c) buy, bought, bought d) honest 15) kysyä a) ask for b) to be just about to do something c) while d) another 16) malli a) airport b) silvery c) model d) lost property office 17) hopeansävyinen a) silvery b) announce c) clothes d) gentleman 18) onnekas a) 5 minutes ago b) airport c) lucky d) honest 19) herrasmies a) lost property office b) 5 minutes ago c) gentleman d) receipt 20) tuoda, toi, on tuonut a) while b) honest c) gentleman d) bring, brought, brought 21) 5 minuuttia sitten a) hopeless b) honest c) model d) 5 minutes ago 22) olla tekemäisillään jotakin a) announce b) clothes c) to be just about to do something d) airport 23) kuuluttaa a) glad b) lost property office c) while d) announce 24) kovaääninen a) another b) loudspeaker c) lost property office d) bring, brought, brought 25) iloinen a) look for b) glad c) clothes d) lucky 26) rehellinen a) honest b) 5 minutes ago c) receipt d) safe 27) älä muuta sano a) model b) you can say that again c) exchange for d) hopeless

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