1) What does iDo do while you paint, play piano, and do yoga? a) Hangs out with you and your family b) Reminds you to take your pills c) Cooks for you 2) According to the video, what is G Bo considered to be? a) A robot cleaner b) A robotic arm c) A family member 3) Who knows your schedule better than you do? a) G Bo b) Zen Bo c) Rocky d) Bratwurst Bot 4) What will Zen Bo not do? a) Cook for you b) Remind you to take your pills c) Entertain your kids 5) What does Bratwurst Bot do? a) Takes your video and photos b) Reminds you to take your pills c) Cooks sausages 6) What does Future Food District offer? a) Augmented reality shopping experience b) Laundry folding service c) Grocery delivery service

The best robots for everyday life


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