Invitation: a classical music concert, Refusal with a reason: ... I don't really like that kind of music. I think it's sort of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Invitation: a horror movie, Refusal with a reason: ... I think those movies are kind of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Invitation: a baseball game, Refusal with a reason: ... I think that sport is sort of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Invitation: a country music concert, Refusal with a reason: ... I don't really like that kind of music. I think it's sort of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Invitation: a romantic comedy, Refusal with a reason: ... I think those movies are kind of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Invitation: a basketball game, Refusal with a reason: ... I think that sport is sort of ..., Responding to a refusal: ..., Your own conversation. , Write it down., Change roles and repeat..

Refusing invitations and responding to refusals


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