eighths - 8 equal parts, equal parts - parts that are exactly the same size, fourths - 4 equal parts, halves - 2 equal parts, sixths - 6 equal parts, thirds - 3 equal parts, whole - all of the parts that make up one shape or group, fraction - a number that names part of a whole or part of a group, unit fraction - names 1 equal part of a whole or a group, denominator - the part of a fraction below the line, which tells how many equal parts there are in the whole or in the group, numerator - the part of the fraction above the line, which tells how many parts are being counted, mixed number - is a number greater than 1 represented by a whole number and a fraction?, a fraction greater than 1 - has a numerator greater than the denominator , equivalent fractions - two or more fractions that name the same amount,

Fraction Unit Vocabulary-Modules 13-16


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