Dinosaurs were ____ ____ that ____ long ago. ____, a ____ dinosaur, ate ____ and was as ____ as 27 ____. Velociraptors, known for their ____, ____ in groups called ____. Tyrannosaurus Rex, a fearsome ____, could ____ at speeds ____ 65 ____. Triceratops, with its large ____, was one of the ____ dinosaurs, reaching nine ____ in ____. Paleontologists are ____ who ____ dinosaurs and ____ there were over a ____ species. Velociraptors were ____ dinosaurs that ____ about 15 ____. Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as ____, was one of the ____ ____ animals. Diplodocus, a ____, could ____ up to 20 tons. Triceratops, ____ to modern ____, had huge ____ and ____ around ____ tons.

Primary 3_Facts about Dinosaurs


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