funnily enough - spoken used to say that something is unexpected or strange, doodle - to draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing, with a view to (doing) something - because you are planning to do something in the future, get hooked (on) - you enjoy it very much and you want to do it as often as possible, cringe at - to feel embarrassed by something you have said or done because you think it makes you seem silly, satirical - criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point, slog away/through - to work hard at something without stopping, especially when the work is difficult, tiring, or boring, setback - a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were, break into - to become involved in a new job or business activity, viable - an idea, plan, or method can work successfully, storyboard - a set of drawings that are done before a film is made in order to show what will happen in it, have something at your/their fingertips - to have knowledge or information ready and available to use very easily, relish - to enjoy an experience or the thought of something that is going to happen, bring something to fruition - if a plan, project, etc is successfully put into action and completed, often after a long process, hard-pressed - having a lot of problems and not enough money or time, counteract - to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something, by doing something that has the opposite effect, sedentary - formal spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much, tag along (with) - to go somewhere with someone, especially when they have not asked you to go with them, take to something like a duck to water - to learn how to do something very easily, hark back (to) - to remember and talk about things that happened in the past, passable - formal fairly good, but not excellent, thrive on - to enjoy or be successful in a particular situation, especially one that other people find difficult or unpleasant, reckon - spoken to think or suppose something, sign up (for) - to put your name on a list for something because you want to take part in it, look/work a treat - British English informal to look very good or work very well,


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