1) A friend says he's sorry he can't come to your party tomorrow. What do you say? a) Shame on you! b) What pity! c) I pity you! d) What a shame! 2) You've forgotten your pencil case and you need a pen. What do you say to your classmate? a) Could you borrow me your pen? b) Could I lend your pen? c) Could I borrow your pen? d) Could you lend a pen me? 3) How much ...? a) do these lollipops cost? b) are these lollipops cost? c) do these lollipops are? d) does these lollipops cost? 4) Excuse me. When ... this bus ... in Leeds? a) do / leave b) do / arrive c) does / leave d) does / arrive 5) This films is based ... a famous novel by Charles Dickens. a) at b) on c) upon d) in 6) Oh, Natalie! I'm looking ... you again! a) after seeing b) forward to see c) forward to seeing d) for seeing 7) Do you know if this novel has been translated ... Spanish? a) to b) in c) on d) into 8) You need to tidy your room ... you can! Mum's going to check on us any minute now! a) quicker as b) as quick as c) as quickly as d) as quick than 9) Josh, how many times ... Madrid? a) have you been in b) have you gone to c) have you been to d) did you go to 10) I really need to ... the airport fast. Do you think I should get a taxi? a) arrive in b) get to c) arrive to d) get at 11) How much ... a postcard? a) does cost b) is cost c) is d) for this 12) Lee watched a new episode of his favourite TV series after he ... his dog. a) has walked b) had walked c) had walk d) did walked 13) They ... Warsaw at exactly 10:26. a) arrived at b) got at c) arrived in d) arrived to 14) "I'd like to speak to Mr Jenkins, please." "I'm afraid, Mr Jenkins .... see his dentist. He won't be back until 3:30." a) have gone to b) has gone to c) has been in d) have been to 15) "This is such a lovely ring, Rachel!" "Oh, it isn't mine. I ... Monica half a year ago." a) lent it from b) borrowed it to c) borrowed it from d) lent it 16) "I haven't seen the Browns lately, have you?" "Oh, they ... Marocco since the end of October." a) are in b) went to c) have gone to d) have been in 17) This park is ... a famous Polish poet. a) called from b) called after c) named after d) named from 18) This train ... the station at 4:45. a) gets at b) leaves from c) leaves d) arrives in 19) I can ... 10 pounds, but you need to give it back tomorrow. a) borrow you b) lend you c) borrow from you d) lend to you 20) What time do you have to .... the airport tomorrow? a) get in b) leave from c) arrive in d) arrive at

Getting Ready for Egzamin Ósmoklasisty 2


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