tension - stretching force, compression - crushing force, to deform (n: deformation) - change or damage the shape of materials , extension (syn: elongation) - the act of making something longer, larger, tensile strength - ability to resist tension, compressive strength - ability to resist compression, elasticity (adj: elastic) - ability of materials to extend significantly and return to their original shape , stiff - being strong but having very low elasticity , brittle - being weak and having low elasticity, to fracture - to break, crack due to tension easily, plasticity (adj: plastic) - ability of materials to change shape significantly but do not return to their original shape, malleable  - a property of materials which can be plastically deformed by hammering or rolling without breaking or cracking, ductile - a property of materials which can be stretched into a long length, can be made into a thin wire , be proportional to smth - increasing or decreasing in size, amount or degree according to changes in something else , to yield - move, bend or break due to pressure , ultimate tensile strength (UTS) - the maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before breaking, fracture point - the point where a materials breaks in two,

material properties 1 Prof English in Use Engineering U18



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