1) For the propagation of mechanical waves ___ a) material medium is not necessary b) material medium is necessary c) vacuum is necessary d) free space is necessary 2) For the propagation of mechanical waves, material medium must have ___ a) inertia b) elasticity c) small fractional resistance d) all of these 3) Which of the following is not an example of mechanical wave? a) sound waves b) light waves c) waves on water surface d) shock waves 4) For the propagation of electromagnetic waves ___ a) medium is necessary b) medium is not necessary c) medium must have elasticity d) medium must have zero density 5) Sound waves are the example of ___ a) longitudinal waves b) transverse waves c) stationary waves d) all of these 6) Sound waves cannot travel through ___ a) vacuum b) water c) solid d) air 7) The velocity (speed) of sound is largest in ___ a) water b) steel c) air d) oxygen gas 8) Which of the following is true regarding speed of sound? a) Vsolid > Vliquid > Vair b) Vsolid < Vliquid < Vair c) Vsolid = Vliquid = Vair d) None of these 9) Sound waves cannot be ___ a) refracted b) reflected c) polarized d) superimposed 10) If a stone is dropped into water, it generates ___ waves. a) longitudinal b) transverse c) sometimes transverse sometimes longitudinal d) shock waves 11) When sound travels through air, the air particles ___ a) vibrates along the direction of wave propagation b) vibrates but not in any fixed direction c) vibrates perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation d) do not vibrate 12) As temperature increases, the velocity of sound waves ___ a) decreases b) increases c) remains unchanged d) sometimes increase sometimes decrease 13) The speed of sound in air depends on ___ a) i) pressure of air b) iI) temperature of air c) iii) moisture of air d) ii) or iii) 14) The frequency which is not audible to human ear is ___ a) 50 Hz b) 500 Hz c) 5000 Hz d) 50000 Hz 15) In given diagram of propagation of sound, the high density regions (compressions) are denoted by ___  a) E b) R c) S d) C 16) In given diagram of propagation of sound, the low density regions (rarefactions) are denoted by ___  a) E b) S c) R d) C 17) A radio wave of frequency 91.1 MHz travels with a speed of 3 x 108 m/s. Find its wavelength. a) 329 m b) 118 m c) 3.29 m d) 2.18 m 18) Which of the following is/are correct? a) i) v = 𝜆/T b) ii) v = n𝜆 c) v = T/𝜆 d) Both i) and ii) 19) The S.I. unit of frequency is ___ a) i) m b) ii) Hz c) iii) 1/second d) Both ii) and iii) 20) In SHM the time required to complete one vibration is called ___ a) period b) frequency c) amplitude d) wavelength 21) Which of the following is the characteristic of SHM? a) acceleration is directly proportional to displacement b) acceleration is directly proportional to velocity c) acceleration is directly proportional to time d) acceleration is directly proportional to the square of displacement 22) A motion which repeats itself in equal interval of time is called ___ a) rectilinear motion b) simple harmonic motion c) periodic motion d) time period of the motion 23) Which of the following represents periodic motion? a) motion of moon around the earth b) motion of minute hand of a clock c) oscillation of simple pendulum d) all of these 24) The motion of electrons around the nucleus is ___ a) periodic b) oscillatory c) periodic as well as oscillatory d) neither periodic nor oscillatory 25) The distance between points 'a' and 'b' given in the diagram is ___ a) 𝜆 b) 2𝜆 c) 𝜆/2 d) 𝜆/4 26) The distance between points 'a' and 'b' given in the diagram is ___  a) 𝜆 b) 2𝜆 c) 𝜆/2 d) 𝜆/4 27) The distance between points 'a' and 'b' given in the diagram is ___  a) 𝜆 b) 2𝜆 c) 𝜆/2 d) 3𝜆/4 28) This is an example of ___ motion a) i) oscillatory b) ii) periodic c) iii) simple harmonic d) all of these 29) If the motion of bob starts from 'a', one complete oscillation is given by ___ a) A ➜ B ➜ C b) C➜ B ➜ A c) A ➜ B ➜ C ➜ B ➜ A d) A ➜ B ➜ C ➜ B 30) If the motion of bob starts from 'a', half oscillation is given by ___ a) A ➜ B ➜ C b) C➜ B ➜ A c) A ➜ B ➜ C ➜ B ➜ A d) A ➜ B ➜ C ➜ B 31) If the motion of bob starts from 'a', for the motion A ➜ B ➜ C the time of oscillation is given by ___ a) T/4 b) T c) T/2 d) 3T/4 32) The general equation of velocity of particle performing SHM is ____ a) b) c) d) 33) In SHM, the maximum velocity of a particle is ___ a) b) c) d) 34) The velocity-time (V-T) graph of particle performing SHM is given. The frequency of the oscillation is ___  a) 33.3 Hz b) 50 Hz c) 12.25 Hz d) 25 Hz 35) If y = 3 Sin (8t + π/2), the amplitude of a particle is ___ a) 8 m b) π/2 m c) 3 m d) 24 m

2.1) Sound Waves & 2.2) SHM - Quiz (35 M)


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