1) Who proposed the Speech Act Theory? a) John Austin b) John Cena c) John Searle d) John Lennon 2) When we can say that a speech act is a locutionary act? a) when there is an utterance of a sound, a word, or b) when there is something said to express an intention c) when the utterance changes the person's feelings, d) when the statement caused misunderstanding and 3) Which of the following statement shows an illocutionary speech act? a) "Our class will end in five minutes." (The teacher's actual utterance) b) "Our class will end in five minutes." (The teacher wants the class to finish the task before the bell rings) c) "Our class will end in five minutes." (The listeners respond by finishing their task) d) "Our class will end in five minutes." (The exact words of the teacher) 4) What do you call utterances that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect? a) Speech Act b) Speech Context c) Speech Style d) Speech Variation 5) What type of speech act has an intended effect through locution and illocution? a) locutionary b) illocutionary c) perlocutionary d) prolocutionary 6) Who is the proponent of the Speech Act Theory? a) J.L. Austin b) J.F. Kervin c) J.A. Austin d) J.L. Gastivo 7) What type of speech act is this? "Please don't let the door open," the speaker requests that the door remain closed. a) locutionary b) illocutionary c) perlocutionary d) prolocutionary 8) You were eating delicious apples. Your friend came and asked you, "Is that sweet?" while looking at your apples. How will you respond appropriately? a) "Yes, these apples are sweet." b) "No, please leave me alone." c) "Yes, would you like some?" d) Absolutely!" 9) Who is the professor from the University of California, Berkeley that classified illocutionary acts into five distinct categories? a) John Austin b) John Searle c) John Lennon d) John Scarley 10) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "No one can sing as Leah does!" a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 11) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "Please clean the room before you leave." a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 12) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "From this day forward, I promise to love you for the rest of my life." a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 13) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "You are blessed." a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 14) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "I love you very much." a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 15) To what classification of illocutionary act do the given example belong? "Kindly see me after class." a) assertive b) commissive c) directive d) expressive e) declaration 16) At the start of a discussion or speech, the topic must be identified. a) Nomination b) Restriction c) Turn-taking d) Topic Shifting 17) The speaker must not allow any incidental mention of other topics from taking attention away from what he or she is talking about. a) Turn-taking b) Topic Control c) Topic Shifting d) Termination 18) Any speech or discussion must end properly. Without doing so, the listeners or participants would be left wondering what happened to the discussion and will not understand whether the topic was fully discussed or not. a) Turn-taking b) Topic Control c) Topic Shifting d) Termination 19) The speaker must not give extended illustrations that are too long such that the audience forgets its connection to the topic. a) Turn-taking b) Topic Control c) Topic Shifting d) Termination 20) When changing from one topic to another, the speaker should prepare the audience or listeners for the change a) Tun-taking b) Topic Control c) Topic Shifting d) Termination 21) It involves changing from one speaker to another in a way that does not disrupt the communication process. a) Turn-taking b) Topic Control c) Topic Shifting d) Termination 22) Participants need to be sensitive to signals that show when they can speak. a) Topic Shifting b) Restriction c) Turn-taking d) Termination 23) A speaker must restrict the topic of discussion to make it specific enough to be manageable. a) Nomination b) Restriction c) Turn-taking d) Topic Shifting 24) "Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time, so we can clearly understand what we want to say about the issue." a) Turn-taking b) Repair c) Termination d) Topic Shifting 25) "Hey, how are you? I missed you!" a) Repair b) Restriction c) Turn-taking d) Nomination 26) "Best regards to your parents! See you around!" a) Topic Control b) Resriction c) Termination d) Turn-taking 27) Speaking of summer, do you even feel how hot it is outside? a) Topic Shifting b) Repair c) Restriction d) Topic Control 28) "Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you because I want to personally offer apologies for what I did yesterday." a) Repair b) Turn-Taking c) Nomination d) Topic Control 29) "I am not comfortable discussing this topic with you." a) Nomination b) Retriction c) Repair d) Turn-taking 30) "One of the essential lessons I gained from the discussion is the importance of sports and wellness to a healthy lifestyle." a) Topic Control b) Turn-taking c) Topic Shifting d) Restriction 31) What is the common purpose of Jose Manalo's speech? a) to entertain b) to inform c) to persuade d) to sell 32) Which of the following is an example of speech about events? a) poverty b) the execution of Gomburza c) How coffee is made of d) different types of guitars 33) This type of speech provides knowledge and interesting information. a) Entertainment Speech b) Informative Speech c) Persuasive Speech d) Reading from manuscript 34) Some examples of this type of speech are reports, lectures, and demonstrations. a) Entertainment Speech b) Impromptu Speech c) Informative Speech d) Persuasive Speech 35) You are invited to demonstrate the ways on how to cook chicken adobo. What type of informative speech is your topic? a) speech about events b) speech about objects c) speech about concepts d) speech about processes 36) This type of speech aims to convince the audience to change their views or beliefs a) Entertainment Speech b) Informative Speech c) Memorized Speech d) Persuasive Speech 37) Which of the following speech has a purpose to convince? a) speech about the existence of Plut b) delivering a speech during commencement exercises c) promoting a certain product d) stating issue about divorce in the Philippines 38) This type of speech aims to share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience. a) Entertainment Speech b) Extemporaneous Speech c) Informative Speech d) Persuasive Speech 39) Which of the following is a speech about object? a) The history of Pampanga b) September 11 attacks c) World Peace d) How to bake bread 40) If you are delivering a humorous storytelling, what is the purpose of your speech? a) to entertain b) to inform c) to persuade d) to impress

Oral Communication in Context (Speech Act, Communicative Strategies & Types of Speech according to purpose)


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