1) ~할 기분이다 a) feel like ~ing b) be busy ~ing c) upon ~ing d) on ~ing e) no use ~ing 2) ~ 하러 가다 a) go ~ing b) feel like ~ing c) It is no use ~ing d) spend time/money ~ing e) upon ~ing 3) ~하느라 바쁘다 a) be busy ~ing b) feel like ~ing c) upon ~ing d) It is no use ~ing e) go ~ing 4) ~하자마자 (답 3개) a) on ~ing b) upon ~ing c) be busy ~ing d) spend time/money ~ing e) feel like ~ing f) as soon as 주어 동사 5) ~하느라 시간/돈을 보내다 (소비하다) a) spend time/money ~ing b) upon ~ing c) look forward to ~ing d) How(What) about ~ing e) be worth ~ing 6) ~을 기대하다 (고대하다) a) look forward to ~ing b) be worth ~ing c) spend time/money ~ing d) have trouble( a hard time/difficulty) ~ing e) It is no use ~ing f) How(What) about ~ing 7) ~하는데 어려움을 겪다 a) have trouble( a hard time/difficulty) ~ing b) spend time/money ~ing c) be worth ~ing d) How(What) about ~ing e) look forward to ~ing f) be busy ~ing 8) ~하는게 어때? a) How(What) about ~ing b) look forward to ~ing c) spend time/money ~ing d) It is no use ~ing e) be busy ~ing 9) ~하지 않을 수 없다 [답 2개] a) cannot help ~ing b) spend time/money ~ing c) It is no use ~ing d) be worth ~ing e) cannot but 동사원형 10) ~해 봐야 소용없다 a) It is no use ~ing b) be worth ~ing c) spend time/money ~ing d) look forward to ~ing e) cannot help ~ing 11) ~할 만한 가치가 있다. a) be worth ~ing b) spend time/money ~ing c) look forward to ~ing d) cannot but 동사원형 e) as soon as 주어 동사

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