1) How long ... for the train to reach Gdynia? a) does it last b) does it take c) it lasts d) it takes 2) "How do I get to the train station from here?" " ... the bus which is just coming and ... at the third stop." a) Get into / get out of b) Get on / get out of c) Get on / get off d) Get into / get off 3) You've got ... good taste when it comes to clothes. a) so b) that c) a really d) so much 4) I thought Donna was English, but it ... that she's Welsh. a) turns on b) turns up c) turns out d) turns in 5) It ... so foggy here before. a) have never been b) has never been c) was never d) hasn't never been 6) There ... people waiting for the bus when I got to the bus stop last night. a) weren't any b) weren't no c) wasn't any d) was no 7) He had a bad backache, which made it hard for him to ... the car. a) get on b) get to c) go into d) get into 8) We ... the taxi at the Central Station. a) went outside b) went off c) got off d) got out of 9) I hope there ... a lot of snow next Christmas. a) was b) has been c) will be d) is 10) Which subject ...? Maths or Physics? a) does Rita prefer b) do Rita prefer c) Rita prefers d) is Rita preferring 11) ... you help me do this exercise? a) Do b) Would c) Are d) Don't 12) This is ... interesting film I think I want to see it again. a) so b) really c) such a d) such an 13) Matt is ... talented he has already been asked to sign a deal with a very successful company. a) so b) such an c) such a d) very much

Getting Ready for Egzamin Ósmoklasisty 3


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