1) What is the topic of today's Grammar Gameshow? a) Punctuation b) Modal verbs c) Vocabulary d) Spelling 2) How many questions were the contestants asked about the modal verb 'Will'? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five 3) What is 'Will' used for in the sentence "I'll make you a sandwich"? a) Promise b) Threat c) Decision d) Offer 4) Who does William remind Will of? a) Wilbert b) Wilfred c) William d) James 5) What is the correct use of 'shall' according to the video? a) It is used with all pronouns b) It is only used with 'you' c) It is only used with 'I' and 'we' d) It is used for past tense 6) How many rules about the use of 'shall' were mentioned in the video? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 7) In which round did the contestants discuss the use of 'shall'? a) Round one b) Round two c) Round three d) Round four 8) What game did they play at the end of the show? a) Musical chairs b) Trivia quiz c) Birthday cake game d) Podium switch 9) Which pronouns are 'shall' typically used with? a) He and she b) They and them c) I and we d) You and your 10) How does the video end? a) Leslie wins a prize b) A party game is played c) Contestants argue d) Leslie disappears 11) How many contestants are introduced in the video? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 12) What is the role of the person named Wilfred? a) Host b) All-knowing voice c) Contestant d) Audience member 13) What is the role of the person named Leslie? a) Host b) All-knowing voice c) Contestant d) Audience member 14) True or False: 'Will' can be used to describe present habits and routines. a) True b) False

Grammar gameshow - will usage


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