knock someone out - if you ... in a sports competition, you beat them and so you carry on in the competition while the person or team you beat can no longer take part, go through - if you ... in a sports competition, you win a match so you are able to continue to the next match, while your opponent can no longer take part, scrape through - if you ... in a sports competition, you win a match by a very narrow margin and continue to the next match, challenges - if a player ... a decision by a referee or umpire, they ask the referee or umpire to change the decision, a call - if a referee makes ... in a sports competition, he or she makes a decision about something that has just happened, upheld - if a decision is ... , someone in authority officially confirms that it was correct and refuses to change it, overturn - to ... a decision means to say it was wrong and to change it, doping - the use of illegal or banned drugs by a sports person in an attempt to improve his or her performance, thrash - beat by a very wide margin, sends ... off - when a referee ... a player ... in a sports match, the referee tells the player to leave the pitch as a punishment for seriously breaking the rules, sin-bin * - (in sport) a box or bench to which offending players can be sent for a period as a penalty during a game, especially in ice hockey, suspended - if a sports person is ..., they cannot play any matches in their sport for a certain amount of time as a punishment, substitute - to take one player off the pitch and replace him or her with another player , drop - to ... a player from a sports team means to not include them in a team after they had played in the previous match, fade - start to lose energy and cannot run as fast as you want to, blow - if you ... something such as a chance, you waste it by not doing the right thing that would take advantage of it, fix - to ... a contest such as a sports event or an election means to do something dishonest in order to get the result that you want instead of allowing the event to happen fairly, one-sided - if a contest is ..., one of the two people or teams is much stronger than the other and is able to win very easily, dirty - involves a lot of cheating and breaking the rules, cramp - strong pain in a muscle which has become too tight and which makes it difficult to move, stiff * - your muscles hurt when they are moved, sponsor * - to pay for someone to do something or for something to happen, close *  - in a ... game, the two sides or players are very evenly matched and one wins by a very narrow margin,

outcomes advanced 11 sports and events


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